View Community Data

PHASE 1: Needs From The Community Visions Survey

Phase 1 (September 2022 – May 2023) consisted of a community-wide survey which asked people 12 open-ended questions about needs, assets and strengths for people who live, work, or depend on Grinnell for resources. This survey could be taken online, as a paper copy, or in a group discussion format, it could be taken anonymously and asked no demographics questions. Community Research Assistants were hired to help promote the survey and to host in-person discussion groups to fill out the questions. The questions regarding “needs” in Grinnell were used to generate a comprehensive list of all issues raised by survey takers and the most mentioned topics were used to generate the list of 46 top issues – used in the next Phase. In addition to the survey data collected, Phase 1 also consisted of many interviews with resources holders and asset managers, small focus groups and the initial research into Grinnell’s ‘peer communities’, and asset mapping in the community.

PHASE 2: Methodology For Prioritization

The Prioritization Process
Phase 2 (June 2023 – September 2023) used the data generated in Phase 1 (the list of 46 top issues) in another round of survey. This second survey asked people to self-report their demographic information and then rank choice vote their top 7 issues from the list of 46. Survey takers could be entered into a twice weekly cash drawing of $50, which ran the 10 weeks that the survey was open. Paid Community Research Assistants were used to help promote the survey – similar to Phase 1. The data from this survey was used to generate the list of the top 7 issues for Grinnell:
To see breakdowns of this data and the methodology for how demographic information impacted the ranked choice, please visit the “Phase 2 Data” document below. In addition to the survey, background archival research was conducted with the help of three full-time Research Assistants over summer 2023.


Phase 3 (September 2023 – January 2024) To be published September, 2024.

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